Tuesday, June 11, 2024

God is a Help in Trouble [10"TU]

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps. 46:1)

This timeless verse has echoed in the souls of believers for millennia. What does it mean?

We know immediately what it means. God is reliable. He will help us. There is a place to go in the troubles of life.

I often wonder how folks in abject suffering deal with this. The objection I implicitly infer goes something like this: "Where was God when my grandchild drowned? Or when my nephew died in a hunting accident, leaving 3 young children? Where was God when that lecherous fiend did as he wished with his young niece? For years? If 'God is our refuge and strength' is it ok if I wonder about the lack of application? He was no help to me in my suffering!"

The first answer is a long pause, perhaps an "I don't know," and certainly a word to feel with the suffering of the person at hand.

This is ten minute Tuesday but I am taking my time. The question is perennial. And it has reasonable answers.

One I have worked with, which I believe only goes so far, is this: "We live in a fallen world and bad things happen. Some are unspeakably bad. God never says He will remove all bad things or potentialities. He only says He will help us in the midst of it all."

That seems fair, and goes a long ways. And time is up (which may be a clue.) I will hope to re-visit this soon.

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