Monday, June 24, 2024

Alaska Summer [Monday Meander]

When I began writing daily 6 (!) months ago I designated Monday as "Monday Meander" -- meaning on this day the writing would wander, much like free writing or what we call stream of consciousness. I've not stuck closely to that but I am grateful to have written so regularly for this long.

I do wonder what is lost when I write just to meet the quota. It seems there is a wash. Though much is lost or displaced, I have still gained from regular writing.

I have little else to say because Alaska summer.

What do I mean? This.

Alaska summer is magical. From early May until early August you can walk outside any time of night and it will not be black. 

The world is making up for the long winter nights and every fiber feels it. 

We have blackout blinds to help sleep, and that is good because the light calls you out of yourself and you do more than you should attempt. Day after day of short nights, too many projects, flinging yourself through the window you know will close too soon. This takes a toll.

You have to walk this road to know what I mean. It is a special kind of fatigue and for me it finds its apex around the first of August. By then I am ready for snow and the long winters that give back all the body and soul expended.

So I rest as best I can, though awakened at 2 AM and writing. I will sleep reasonably well until 6 or so and then launch the day, knowing better but somehow unable to resist the primal call.

So if writing is wan and thin there is a reason. Writing reflects soul and body and mind: and all three are wan and thin (with "thin" taking on a peculiar figure of speech in this application.) 

Because Alaska summer. Tomorrow I'll say more about it, wan or no.

A casual photo from our back window at 3 AM
three days after summer solstice.
3 AM and the sun will soon rise in the North.
Yes, the North (well a few degrees off dead North, but still not even NNE.)
Alaska Summer.

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