Friday, May 24, 2024

Wait becomes Weight

Waiting is weighting if we let it. Chafe, complain, look for end runs and quick fixes and you'll find no weight in the wait. Oh, there will be weight alright, but not the kind you want, not the gravitas that makes rich and strong and whole, but the millstone that drags down. If you abandon the pain of waiting you will compound the problem and prolong the pain, trading what might have been for far lesser than.

Waiting develops weight when we learn to be still, to trust that God is at work, to give way to the vision of faith which always says the work is now and it is also not yet. It is ongoing. This is the crux. This is the cross.

The work Christ would do in us takes time and “when that which is perfect is come,” when “patience has done its perfect work,” we will see the trials of this life worked in us “an eternal weight of glory” and we will know the wait has given way to weight, to reality, to glory. When we are forever joined to Christ we will share in His glory, full of grace and truth. We will finally see that which is eternal, we will be “perfect and entire lacking nothing,” and “that which is in part” will be forever done away. And we will know without a doubt that it was worth the wait.

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