Saturday, July 20, 2024


Limits. We have them. We do not like them. The ones that pain us the most often keep us from most cherished activities.

Life would teach us to live with limits.

This does not come easy for some, perhaps for all. I do not know why, but as I think on it I have a clue.

The book of Ecclesiastes has an observation something like this: "God has put eternity in our hearts." There is some question as to translation and precise meaning, but I think the expression as it is stands theological muster. That is, given the Biblical idea of being made in God's image, it follows that we would have eternity in our hearts.

I take this to mean we long for more than we are. We know we are made for more. We know we have a large calling, a "reach that exceeds our grasp." We know in our bones we are made for heaven, and we know this ol' world ain't it.

We are faced with limits that grind and grate and would make us doubt and dismiss the eternity in our hearts.

Christ came to restore. If it can be done, only he can. He succumbed to that greatest of all limits -- death -- and in doing so, conquered it once and for all.

I don't like limits. I want to do everything, live forever, be what I dream to be, overcome all things that hinder.

In Christ I am becoming; and someday, I will be.

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.

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