Thursday, May 9, 2024


“It's really my cross,” he said, “This thing I did not plan.”
Nor would he, nor would he know why it could ever be good.
How do we know what is good and what is not, when
our best is known to be otherwise by the Eternal God?

“Be careful what you pray for” the elders say, an echo of the
ancient text: “God gave their desire but sent leanness....”
We strive and wonder why we have not, forgetting that
which we are sure is good may be nothing of the sort.

Are all crosses good, all burdens beneficial if borne with
patience and faith in He who does all things well?
What of self-caused burdens? What of eyes washed with tears
so we see the beauty and joy that make the cross all worth it?

If I knew I might not say for would be too much for me.
But I pray for grace to bear my cross – whatever it may be – with gladness.
For if, as we hope, there is good in the very bearing,
then imagine the joy that awaits when we lay our burdens down.

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