Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Writer's Block

TenMinuteTuesday: Free writing with a quick deadline.
Maybe less really is more!

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Writer's Block

Difficult chores become easier once begun. And they become harder the longer delayed.

Writer's block -- what is it? It describes what happens when someone is trying to write but can't seem to get over the hump. The reasons are often not flattering. Succumbing to any distraction is easier than writing.

I think of two examples. The amazing writer of westerns, Louis L'Amour said something like, "I don't need inspiration or 'setting' to write. I could sit in the middle of a freeway with my typewriter and turn out a couple chapters." Malcolm Muggeridge, the gifted English journalist was less sanguine: "Writing's not hard. All you do is sit down at the typewriter, slit your wrists, and bleed to death!" 

Someone said to Paul S. Rees, evangelist and author of many books, "You must really like to write," to which he replied: "No, not all. I like to have written!" And I come 'round to my high school pastor who gently prodded me with the old reminder, "Inspiration is 95% perspiration you know."

And now I've spent 6 of my ten minutes avoiding the question. Sort of. Writing is hard, L'Amour's stoicism aside. But as I face it now for a sensitive assignment that calls for more time and heart than I have to give I know I'm kicking in the dust around the reason. It is hard work, it won't come easy.

So I wait for inspiration.

I am finding, something we all know but still avoid in practice too often, that difficult chores become easier once begun. And they become harder the longer delayed.

So when my ten minutes for this project are up I am going to the task at hand and will not stop until the rough draft is done. I am almost sure a job I kicked down the road for 2 days will only take 1 hour to passably complete.

The struggle is real. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Haha! I assume you are referring to my 'heist' of that art online. Do I know you?
